Starts: 9th of July, 2021

Duration: 48 weeks to find a job as a Data Scientist

Self-Curriculum - (Compiled from Full Researched Resources)

General Data Science

  1. Course - Udacity: Intro to Data Science
  2. Course - Udacity: Intro to Data Analysis (NumPy & Pandas)
  3. Course - Data Science at Scale Specialization -(Recommended by Open Data Science Masters)
  4. Book - Data Analysis with Open Source Tools: A Hands-On Guide for Programmers and Data Scientists

Machine Learning

  1. Course - Andrew Ng Stanford & Stanford CS 229
  2. Kaggle Courses: ML Intro & ML Intermediate
  3. Video YouTube - Codebasics ML Playlist
  4. Digital book - Machine Learning for Hackers
  5. YouTube - Intro to scikit-learn, SciPy2013

Wasn't too sure how to structure this one, might switch up when I know more*